“Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime” - Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu, founder of Taoism
You have the power and the ability to change your life, but sometimes you may need help. You are a SPIRIT having a human experience. What is that experience? To FEEL joy, pain, love, loss, freedom etc.
Every situation and circumstance in your life, YOU have created. Good and bad. Every decision you have made has brought you to where you now are and some of those decisions have been based on your perspectives, emotions, obersations and indoctrinations, such as parents, school, friends, social networks etc. You may not have CONSCIOUSLY chosen a hurtful experience, but at SOME level, you chose to EXPERIENCE the experience. WHY? To learn and to grow.
Soul Coaching and Psychic Healing is about helping you to develop a deeper understanding and awareness about your authentic and spiritual self, so that you can live a more fulfilling, passionate and rewarding life. I will guide you on how to develop your innate intuition and manage your thinking and emotions so that you can transform your health, achieve your goals, improve your relationships, strengthen your faith, manifest financial abundance, be of service to others, live your purpose and thrive during challenging times in life."
By clearing emotional baggage that may be contributing to feelings of hopelessness and powerlessness you can CONSCIOUSLY guide your life with the assistance of your Guides and Angels.
By truly understanding who REALLY are and not who you've been designed and moulded to be, you can take control of your choices and your visions for your future and MANIFEST what you truly want in life, rather than being the RESULT of external conditioning and having given away your power to others. You will be tapped into your intuition and will be able to answer your own questions instead of looking to outer sources for the solutions and answers.
Consultation is one-on-one and we begin our journey together by looking at where you are now, how you got there and what needs to be cleared for your pathway to unfold as you desire. Sessions are 45 minutes to 1 hour weekly over a six week period). For deep-seated issues, more time may be needed.
The subconscious mind which is the actual mind that holds all memory, like a computer does. Contrary to belief, it is NOT the conscious mind. The subconscious recalls every event, every conversation, every emotion, every word said and every experience had. By going deep into the subconscious through emotional healing and unveiling the layers of who you truly are we essentially re-programme the subconscious to release those events that are causing you blockages or harm.
To make the most out of a soul coaching session, focus on the issues that you face in your day-to-day life and talk about them openly with your coach. You can also keep a journal to track the changes in your patterns of thoughts, beliefs, feelings, etc. Above all else, you must be willing to change.
In our initial consultation, we will look at your life assessment and self enquiry to unearth the changes needed. REmaining sessions we look at who you are as a spiritual being, what your soul came here to learn, what your innate gifts are based on numerology, astrology, psychic inquiry and assistance from the spirit world. Yes, you have helpers. MANY helpers who have been with you since the beginning and whose purpose is to ensure your safety and guide you. During our six weekly sessions, we will be clearing away any emotional debris that may be holding you back and unveiling your soul's purpose, ie: why you are here and what you are here to do!
However, keep in mind that a soul coach can only take you as far as you are willing to go. The only way to fully achieve what your soul is meant for in this lifetime is to open your mind and heart to change. No two individual sessions are the same, so try not to compare your program with that of others, lest you fall into unnecessary uncertainty. Because your coaching program is tailored specifically to the needs of your soul, you must be completely open, honest and vulnerable during your initial consultation.