© Lisa Aston Michael 2019
Internationally renowned ‘Pet Psychic’ Amanda De Warren and I crossed paths some 10 years ago when we were both invited to show our wears outside a holistic pet food store on the Gold Coast of Queensland, Australia: Amanda focussing on animal psychic connection and me on Reiki for dogs. I remember thinking at the time what a huge responsibility it was for Amanda to place herself as the ‘messenger’ between animals and their carers. For me, Reiki was a safe place to come from as although I was also working with an animals energy, it didn’t quite step into the world of providing messages et al; not to the degree that Amanda was working with. I thought she was very brave.
Energy is energy and predictably over time my unfolding understanding of ‘oneness’ resulted in the ability to indeed communicate with animals. Mostly hit and miss at first but as animals guided their carers to me (and yes, this is how it happens folks!), I discovered that the connections were becoming clearer and it was more about me listening to their language and how they communicated rather than relying on my skills as a human to human communicator!
Animals are extremely succinct. They don’t babble on searching for the right words as we do, they simply state what is what.
It’s a mistake though to assume that animals have been living their lives in anticipation that we will finally ‘hear’ them and be able to solve all the worlds problems. That’s not to say they don’t have a powerful message for us, but they’re not waiting for us to be their solution. They’re waiting for us to be OUR solution.
Through my experiences with connecting with horses, cats, dogs, lizards, birds, spiders, dragon-flies and yes, even flies!, I have come to understand that they all have a lesson to teach us.
Here is one of the most valuable lessons I’ve learned: Animals do not always want to talk to us!
They don’t always want to be ‘sorted out’, they don't always want to discuss their past and sometimes when they are lost, they do not want to be found. This is a bitter pill to swallow when a client comes hoping for their lost animal to be located. There are myriad reasons why they may choose this. They may not have been happy where they were, they may feel their presence is more necessary elsewhere and in the case of many rescues, they simply just want to move forward in their lives rather than dwell in the past. As a guideline, dogs tend to run TO and cats tend to run away FROM.
Animals are very much in the present moment in every way.
I noticed a while ago that Amanda no longer ‘does lost animals’. I now understand why. There is so much emotion when a pet goes missing. It can be devastating and the overwhelming emotion from the pet-carer can sometimes inadvertently block any clear messages coming from the pet. To be able to clearly receive, we as animal communicators must be in a space of calm centred-ness and be totally grounded. This can be extremely challenging when the understandably constant panicked energy of the pet parent is over-riding any possible clarity of connection. And then there is also the powerful energy of denial should the findings from connection be deemed negative one’s.
Sometimes we simply don’t have the answers; because they are not given to us. These are the moments when we need to remember that there is a higher overview to everything and what WE believe is the ‘best outcome’ may in fact not be the intention of the animal concerned.
If I find myself in this situation, I do not hesitate to call upon my Spirit Guides and Angels to protect the lost animal on it’s journey home… wherever that home may be.
Love and blessings,
Lisa x
Energy is energy and predictably over time my unfolding understanding of ‘oneness’ resulted in the ability to indeed communicate with animals. Mostly hit and miss at first but as animals guided their carers to me (and yes, this is how it happens folks!), I discovered that the connections were becoming clearer and it was more about me listening to their language and how they communicated rather than relying on my skills as a human to human communicator!
Animals are extremely succinct. They don’t babble on searching for the right words as we do, they simply state what is what.
It’s a mistake though to assume that animals have been living their lives in anticipation that we will finally ‘hear’ them and be able to solve all the worlds problems. That’s not to say they don’t have a powerful message for us, but they’re not waiting for us to be their solution. They’re waiting for us to be OUR solution.
Through my experiences with connecting with horses, cats, dogs, lizards, birds, spiders, dragon-flies and yes, even flies!, I have come to understand that they all have a lesson to teach us.
Here is one of the most valuable lessons I’ve learned: Animals do not always want to talk to us!
They don’t always want to be ‘sorted out’, they don't always want to discuss their past and sometimes when they are lost, they do not want to be found. This is a bitter pill to swallow when a client comes hoping for their lost animal to be located. There are myriad reasons why they may choose this. They may not have been happy where they were, they may feel their presence is more necessary elsewhere and in the case of many rescues, they simply just want to move forward in their lives rather than dwell in the past. As a guideline, dogs tend to run TO and cats tend to run away FROM.
Animals are very much in the present moment in every way.
I noticed a while ago that Amanda no longer ‘does lost animals’. I now understand why. There is so much emotion when a pet goes missing. It can be devastating and the overwhelming emotion from the pet-carer can sometimes inadvertently block any clear messages coming from the pet. To be able to clearly receive, we as animal communicators must be in a space of calm centred-ness and be totally grounded. This can be extremely challenging when the understandably constant panicked energy of the pet parent is over-riding any possible clarity of connection. And then there is also the powerful energy of denial should the findings from connection be deemed negative one’s.
Sometimes we simply don’t have the answers; because they are not given to us. These are the moments when we need to remember that there is a higher overview to everything and what WE believe is the ‘best outcome’ may in fact not be the intention of the animal concerned.
If I find myself in this situation, I do not hesitate to call upon my Spirit Guides and Angels to protect the lost animal on it’s journey home… wherever that home may be.
Love and blessings,
Lisa x